Wash Monitor


Nigeria with an average of $8.1billion annual investment in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene have experienced a shortfall of over 35% access to basic water and sanitation facilities(UNICEF, 2022).


After careful studies of the state of Water supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector in the country, we have identified several factors as key causes of the lapses in meeting the MDGs and SGDs 6 (Access to quality Water and Sanitation facilities by all Nigerians).

It is worthy to note that government across all sections, local and international donor agencies, faith base organizations and individuals had invested so much in constructing WASH facilities nationwide but most of them are abandoned after a period of time. This can be ascertained by the presence of existing but abandoned WASH facility in almost all communities in Nigeria.


At JUST FIX IT SYNERGY NIGERIA LIMITED, we have identified that none follow-up of facilities operations and management after commissioning, no appropriate data of these facilities and no feedback channel has caused the government reoccurring investment in new WASH facilities which end up abandoned also.


With the current economic realities every effort to reduce the cost of governance is welcomed thus developing and adopting sustainable Water scheme management models will reduce WASH budget by over 65%.

It is in this regards that we have created this feedback channel (WASH MONITOR) for communication with communities in major local languages to bridge the gap by opening up a constant communication channel with the people in a bid to feed the government and other development partners constantly on the state of WASH facilities Nationwide.


Our services are not limited to data collation but also WASH facility assessment, monitoring and evaluation, repair, maintenance, facility upgrade and training of beneficiaries on maintenance and sustainable management of WASH facilities.


We have explained in the table below our service options and report templates aimed at sustainable WASH management.



1. Monthly Collation of all call, email and social media reports and complaints on WASH facilities and infrastructures in the state.


2. Weekly advert jingles in English and local dialect on 2 major radio stations in the state


1. Monthly Collation of all call, email and social media reports and complaints on WASH facilities and infrastructures in the state.


2. Weekly advert jingles in English and local dialect on 2 major radio stations in the state


3. Physical assessment of the WASH facilities reported by our technical expert for fault evaluation and technical assessment.


1. Monthly Collation of all call, email and social media reports and complaints on WASH facilities and infrastructures in the state.


2. Weekly advert jingles in English and local dialect on 2 major radio stations in the state


3. Physical assessment of the WASH facilities reported by our technical expert for fault evaluation and technical assessment.


4. Repair of reported and assessed dysfunctional WASH facilities

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